Thursday, 30 June 2011


Everyone worked very hard this term. Keep up the good work!

Thursday, 23 June 2011


We worked on 2D shapes with Mrs Quinn. Afterwards we cut out lots of our favourite shapes. We glued them on paper to make beautiful designs. What do you think ?

Angela, Conor, Ebony, Michael, Nathan and Jade

Monday, 20 June 2011


We were adding with our Tens and Units boards. We added numbers like this

   Tens         Units
 +   1             5

We got strange numbers like 3 Tens and 12 Units. You cannot see that on the 100 square. We learned how to fix it.

We swapped 10 Units for 1 Ten. That’s a fair swap. We made a new Ten to add to the other Tens. Our answer was 4 Tens and 2 Units. That number is 42. 42 is on the 100 square. Well done.

We worked on Mrs Quinn’s interactive whiteboard as well.

First Class Rooms 1 and 9

More Brainteasers

Well done to Conor, Michael and Leah in Room 7. They solved the puzzles. It took a few days, but they got there.

Here are some more brainteasers. Remember to read each word carefully and to think in different ways. Bring your answers to Room 5.

1.     Tom was standing on one side of the river, and his dog Spot was standing on the other side. "Come on Spot. Here, boy!" shouted Tom. Spot crossed the river, ran to Tom, and got a treat for being a good dog. The amazing thing was that Spot didn't even get wet!

          How did Spot do that?

2.     One day, two mothers and two daughters went shopping for shoes. They each bought one pair of shoes. Altogether, they had three pairs.

          How is this possible?

Source: Discovery Education