Monday, 21 March 2011

Reading Buddies

We have Reading Buddies in Mrs Quinn’s room at 9 o’clock everyday for twenty minutes. Each child from Room 3 has a buddy from Room 12. We read together. We enjoy reading different books.

We shared the reading. Our favourite books were ‘Twenty Questions ‘and ‘We’ll see’.
Lauren and Victoria

Nicole read all the books because she was a very good reader.
One of our favourite books was ‘Twenty Questions’. It was a mystery story. We also liked ‘Ghost Train’ .It was funny and it had good pictures.
Tara and Nicole

Our favourite book was ‘Our Baby’. It was fun to read and it had babies in it. We also liked ‘Sleeping Beauty’. It had a happy ending.
Gemma and Chlöe

We read stories together. Our favourite book was ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker‘. It was fun to read and had lots of pages in it. We liked the shoes.
Cassandra and Kristians

We read different types of books. Our favourite series was ‘Wolf Hill’. We liked ‘Who kidnapped the Mayor?’.Morgan chose it because it had 63 pages and he wanted to challenge himself.
Conor and Morgan